Erin Ferris » Marketing



This semester course is designed to develop the students’ understanding of marketing and to
develop various marketing skills. Marketing is a subject that touches many aspects of every day
life. Through this class, students will learn to think critically about the influencing marketing has
on decisions that people encounter on a regular basis. The topics in this class will be explored
through a variety of methods including projects, discussions, group projects, individual
exploration and classwork.

Students are expected to behave in a professional manner. Students are preparing to leave high
school and continue on in their future. Students are expected to be responsible for their own

All class work and assignments can be found in Canvas. All students
have access to this using their school login information. Assignments, due dates, extra materials
and information are available on this site.

We will cover a variety of marketing related topics in order to expose students to Marketing and
how it exists in everyday life.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Introduction to Marketing and overviews
The 9 Functions of Marketing
The 4Ps of Marketing
Generations and needs
Product development and decision making
Public Relations and Social Responsibility of companies
Market Research
Developing an effective promotion
All assessments will take the form of projects or essay formats. This will allow students to
express how the concepts they have learned apply to ever day life. No “tests” will given.