Students » Electronic Device Policy

Electronic Device Policy

August 2024

Dear Eagle Families,

Over the course of the past two years, we have realized the negative impact that cell phone use at school has on student achievement, attentiveness, safety and mental health.  We also realize that the adolescent brain craves structure and consistency.  As a result, we are implementing a policy to restrict the use of cell phones and personal electronic devices to non-instructional time onlyAn “electronic device” is defined as ear buds, smartwatches, handheld video games, tablets/iPads, or any other electronic device other than a school issued Chromebook. 

   Cell Phones are a major distraction and greatly detract from the teaching and learning environment.  Therefore, ALL electronic devices MUST be turned off and put away during all classes including Seminar.  The teacher reserves the right to collect cell phones at the beginning of class if they choose and will return them at the end of the class period.

    Students may use their phones or electronic devices  during passing times and their assigned lunch period. 

1st offense:

  • Student sent to the AP Office to surrender item(s) for the remainder of the day.  Student may pick up item(s) after the last bell of the day (2:30pm).       

2nd offense: 

  • Student sent to the AP Office to surrender item(s) that will be returned to parent/guardian in the front office.   

3rd offense:  

  • Student sent to the AP Office to surrender item(s) that will be returned to the  parent/guardian.  Student will be assigned lunch detention.

4th offense:  

  • Short term suspension to long term suspension for persistent disobedience/insubordination.

Students who refuse to comply with an adult request, or do not report directly to the AP Office to surrender their phone/electronic device will receive a suspendable consequence.

We look forward to working with you to give all students the greatest opportunity to be successful at school and beyond our walls.  We are happy to talk with you about our rationale and any other questions or concerns you may have.  Please reach out to any of us via phone or email.  It’s going to be a great year!

Educationally yours,

Bethany Harris, Moses Price, Lawrence Reeves and Matt Rudy

THS Admin Team

What can students expect?

  • Learning environments (classrooms) free from distractions associated with cell phone use.
  • Opportunities to focus and learn content taught by experts (their teachers) in their subject areas.
  • Consistent expectations from all adult staff members.
  • Consistent expectations from all THS staff.
  • Students not meeting the expectations set in the policy may be addressed by any adult staff member and they are expected to comply with the directions given to them by that staff member.
  • Phones or other electronic devices will be surrendered by the student, labeled and secured for the remainder of the school day.

What can families expect?

  • Students will not be permitted to return texts/phone calls during any instructional period, including Homebase and Seminar. 
  • Messages and family emergencies may be called in to the main office and students will be notified accordingly.  
  • Students who violate the cell phone/personal electronic device policy will be asked to surrender their device(s) for the remainder of the school day.
  • Cell phones and personal electronic devices that are surrendered will be labeled and secured in the AP or Main Office.
  • THS administration will apply discipline according to the policy as it is written in the Student Code of Conduct.

What can teachers expect?

  • Teaching and learning environments free from distractions caused by cell phones and their use.
  • Students will have their school issued Chromebook, fully charged and in class with them each day.
  • Consistent expectations regarding the school-wide policy from all staff members.
  • Consistent follow through with discipline from THS administrators.
  • Support of families if students need to be addressed regarding violations of the policy.